(17) We use this procedure to assess the excitability of the auditory nerve, the patency of the cochlea and to detect undesirable side effects of electrical stimulation, such as facial nerve activation.(16) The extent to which auditory and visual channel part-score means differ typically was studied by reference to the performance of 962 average children in the normative sample of the Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities.(15) The results obtained were compared with the data of electron microscopic study of the inferior geniculate body, as they are subcortical formations belonging to the same auditory system but differentiating in their functions.(14) These results indicate that auditory localization behavior of infants is influenced by reinforcement and that the extent of this effect is related to the type of reinforcement employed.(13) Between-group responsivity differences suggest developmental retardation in term (38-42 weeks) SGA newborns, but the faster SGA latencies may reflect 'induced' acceleration in auditory neurophysiologic function.(12) This variability, coupled with the lack of extreme specificity in the secondary auditory cortex, suggests that secondary cortical neurons are not well suited for the role of "vocalization detectors.".(11) Sleep was defined behaviorally as failure to respond to the faint auditory RT cue.(10) Results of this sort are reminiscent of several related findings that have been attributed to auditory adaptation or enhancement, or to a temporally developing critical-band filter.(Talairach) whose electrodes were introduced at or around the auditory cortex (Area 41, 42), the topography of the auditory responses by the electrical bipolar stimulation and that of the auditory evoked potential by the bilateral click sound stimulation were studied in relation to the ac-pc line (Talairach). (9) Among the epileptic patients investigated by the stereotactic E.(8) The observed staining indicated that the epithelium of the external auditory meatus has a pattern of keratin expression typical of epidermis in general and the epithelium of the middle ear resembles simple columnar epithelia.

(7) A new theory for the peculiar site selection of cholesteatomas of the external auditory canal is postulated.(6) II, the visual and auditory stimuli were exposed conversely over the habituation- (either stimulus) and the test-periods (both stimuli).(5) Only one part of the theory of Alajouanine and colleagues has been confirmed by our experiments for our results have shown that there is a very close correlation between semantic paraphasias and disorders of semantic differentiation whilst no correlation can be found between phonemic paraphasias and disturbances in auditory phonemic discrimination.(4) Our experience shows that the most accurate indications are provided by acoustic stapedius reflex, brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) and vestibular investigation.(3) The examination of the standard waves' amplitude and latency of the brain stem auditory evoked response (BAEP) was performed in 20 guinea pigs (males and females, weighing 250 to 300 g).(2) Enhanced sensitivity to ITDs should translate to better-defined azimuthal receptive fields, and therefore may be a step toward achieving an optimal representation of azimuth within the auditory pathway.

(1) The effects of sessions, individual characteristics, group behavior, sedative medications, and pharmacological anticipation, on simple visual and auditory reaction time were evaluated with a randomized block design.(n.) An assembly of hearers an audience.