
Gothic fonts word
Gothic fonts word

gothic fonts word

The design of Almost is destinated to the contemporary reader.

gothic fonts word

Almost is a hommage to these types, which represent a unique, transitory moment in history of typography. But roman did not precipitate the death of gothic forms, mixtures of gothic and roman were tried out and the two co-existed for some time. Roman type was finally defined in 1469-70 in Venice by the ‘de Spira' brothers and Nicolas Jenson. A few years later Sweynheim & Pannartz use in Subiaco a type which some consider to be the first roman although gothic influences remain clearly visible. Almost takes its inspiration in the 15th century, in the period of the 1460s and 70s with German Gotico-Antiqua typefaces like the ‘Durandus’ of Fust & Schöffer, the first type to present a humanistic tendency, possibly based on the hand of Petrarch. They can be activated through stylistic features, and offer more possibilitites of gothic-roman hybridisations.

#Gothic fonts word full#

Above, uncialesque and bizarre (Byzantine) letterforms and a full set of initials complete the fonts. They can be endlessly combined, starting either from roman or gothic ground, without falling in a strong, broken script nor becoming a ‘pure’ roman design. More than 1800 glyphs are present in each of the styles. Based on in-depth research, it was designed by Jérôme Knebusch in 2012-2019 in five weights and two styles, Gothic and Roman, and completed in 2021 with respective italics. Almost is a typeface between gothic and roman.

Gothic fonts word