Other crosses are laid upon us unbidden.Ĭhristians and Jews share a fundamental belief that life in God is life together, with and for one another. Some crosses we can seize if we have the courage and faith. Polarization which needs our patience and wisdom. Jesus grasps the cross as if the meaning of his very life depended on it.

There is nothing passive about the way of the cross. “He obediently accepted even death, death on a cross” (Phil. A calm and peaceful expression appears on his face. He is depicted with the cross resting lightly upon his left shoulder while his right hand is resting on the upright beam. In the lower level of the Convent of the Sisters of Zion, above the flagstones of the pavement of Pilate’s courtyard, a colorful mosaic shows Jesus accepting the cross. As anger boils, decide to say, “Wait, listen.” When confronted with human need, decide: “There is something I can do.” When disagreements escalate into tense and wary polarization, better decisions are needed. Human community is formed or broken by the decisions we make. If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. Give us courage to follow that way to the cross, that we may die and rise with him. On the Via Dolorosa, look for the light.Īlmighty God, your Son showed the servant way. And as we follow Jesus on the way of the cross let us remember that the final destination is life eternal. At this station where Jesus was condemned to death, let us think on those places in our own lives which call forth our servant love.
The public trial of Jesus was held in the big courtyard, called Gabbatha. The deepest meaning in life is revealed in being present to the need of the neighbor, and sharing life with the neighbor in the compassionate love of God. All of life lived for the other is life lived in the shadow of the cross. The cross is Jesus’ way of showing how deeply God loves all humanity-even to death. Christians understand that each believer received the way of the cross in baptism. The way of the cross is the way of service to all born out of water. Especially in our world today we must regard one another as brothers and sisters in the water of life. In the water we live for and from each other in communion with God. In the natal waters of his mother Mary, and in the baptismal waters of the Jordan, Jesus became one with us. In these birthing waters is the fountain of your solidarity with all God’s children and all creation. It has been updated to reflect that this is just a working list of all the side quests that have been found so far.The First Station: Jesus is condemned to death

ET: This article originally claimed that there were 20 side quests in The Ascent. It is also featured as part of the Xbox Game Pass Service.Ĭorrection 8/2/21, 02.33 a.m.
The Ascent is out now for PC and Xbox consoles. The optional content will unlock after you have spoken to Poon in "Archology Blues." Main Missions: There are 12 main missions in The Ascent and at least 20 side quests.
Here Is How to Respec Your Character's Stats in 'The Ascent'.This Is How Weapon Upgrading Works in 'The Ascent'.Here Is How to Unlock Fast Travel in 'The Ascent'.You can check the recommended level for each quest by looking in your codex. In our experience, you are going to want to dip your toes into at least some of the side content, so that you are appropriately upgraded when it comes to the main missions. Meanwhile, if you are just blitzing through the story campaign you are probably looking at a 12-15 hour commitment. Also, if you are playing solo (rather than in co-op) it will inevitably take you a little longer to clear certain areas and defeat the tougher bosses.ĭespite all these variables, the developers at Neon Giant estimate that a thorough playthrough of The Ascent will take up to 20 hours of your time. This means that your progress could be obstructed more often than another player's might be. You can easily sink hours into the various upgrading systems and character augmentation menus, crafting a build that is unique to you.Īnother thing that makes it difficult to gauge the length of an average playthrough here is that, to some extent, enemy ambushes are procedurally generated. In addition to the main quests, there are at least 20 side missions for you to complete (some of which take under 10 minutes, while others are far more extensive), optional areas to explore, and valuable pieces of loot to pillage. Your mileage with The Ascent will vary depending on how much of its side content you choose to engage with, and also how regularly you are taking advantage of the fast travel system to skip past dungeons. Read more 'The Ascent' Developers on Comparisons to 'Cyberpunk 2077'